Tuesday 24 March 2015

AFRICA4HER...Cultivating the potentials of the girl-child

The future must not belong to those who bully women. It must be shaped by girls who go to school and those who stand for a world where our daughters can live their dreams just like our sons.
-          Barrack Obama

As an educationist and professional artist, i have always believe in the greatness of the girl-child. She is endowed with unique abilities and uncommon potentials that can make stand tall any where in the world. I am committed to invest my energy, resources and time to develop the potential of girls and women in Africa through education, skill acquisition and community development initiatives where the matter of the female gender is concern. 
 I pledge to fight for the future of the African women and girls. A promise without regret to raise a generation of women who will take the world by surprise through their involvement in leadership, service to humanity and the welfare of  the girl-child in the society.
I have been involved as an educationist and professional artists over a decade now in the grooming of the girl-child artist. This has yielded great and positive result.  Many of them have won national awards and participated in local and international competitions and exhibitions.  The Nigeria’s Youngest Peace ambassador, a girl child is one protégés who is doing very well like others. I have mentored and still mentoring poets, writers and artists.
Read what one of my protégés, an 11 years old girl  Munachi Okey Nzeakor wrote on Africa for her:
Africa for her, a legacy that will never end
A pledge to support and forever defend
To cater for African Women and Girls
To up hold and stand by them to see as precious pearls
Africa for her, all pledge allegiance
To secure her future with every diligence
The potential of a girl child is great
Great beyond your gate.
Africa for her, sowing love as a seed
Seeing beyond her wants, searching for need
Investing in them richly and making smile
Giving your best, going the extra mile

Africa for her, upholding her image
Turning her into a brand new page
Give her a life of hers and education
Create for her a solid foundation.

Africa for her, your main priority
Your investment in her will yield prosperity
Do not relent as you shall be rewarded
Because everything you do for is been recorded.

Africa for her, fulfilling her dream
Millions of people working as a team
We don’t stand alone, we stand together
The future of Africa rest on our shoulders
I challenge you to make that commitment today, make that pledge, invest into women and girls in Africa. Invest in her prosperity, security, education and total well-being. Posterity will never forget your act of kindness.

There is a generation that will fight for the African women, there is a generation that will rise and speak for her peace and potential.  There is a generation that will provide and protect the future that will all long for. That generation is here today. You belong to that generation. Make a pledge today, Africa for her.  Either do something inspiring or inspire something worth doing. The African women and girls count on you, don’t fail them.
“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” 
 Brigham Young 

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